MBA APplication

MBA Application

MBA – Master of Business Application
There is no application fee.

Applications for admission to the graduate program, along with official documents, should be submitted between March 15 and July 1 for the fall semesters, and between August 15 and December 1 for the spring semesters.

Transcripts should be submitted to the following:
Mary Hill
Howard Payne University
School of Business
1000 Fisk St.
Brownwood, Texas 76801

International Applications are no longer accepted.

**All fields are required.


To which campus are you applying? *
If accepted, please indicate your chosen concentration area: *
Have you attended the MBA Program At HPU in the past? *
If accepted, do you plan to apply for financial aid? *
Note: Upon notification of acceptance, if applicant intends to request financial assistance, applicant MUST submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the In-House Graduate Application. The FAFSA can be filed free at Please contact the HPU Office of Financial Aid directly at (325) 649-8015 if you have any questions.
If accepted, have you been offered a graduate assistance position at HPU? *
Do you expect to receive Employer tuition assistance or reimbursement? (Does not apply to Howard Payne Employees) *
Do you qualify for or plan to apply for Veteran Education benefits? *


Photo Upload *

Maximum file size: 8.39MB

If accepted, a Photo will be needed for your account ID


College Record(s):

Please indicate the institution(s) from which you have received degree(s). *
Did you receive a degree from a second institution? *

I understand that Official Transcripts from the Degree Granting Institution(s) as indicated in this application must be received before my application is complete and will be considered for acceptance. *


I have requested official transcripts be sent to Howard Payne University to the address listed at the bottom of this application. **Note: HPU can access official transcripts for HPU graduates; therefore there is no need to request your record. *


Gender *
Citizenship *
Race/Ethnic Background
Marital Status: *



I certify that the information given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if admission is granted, I will accept the responsibility for knowing and abiding by all rules and regulations of the university as published in the university catalog and the student handbook from this day forth. I also understand that if I am found to be ineligible for admission after being permitted to register tentatively, I will be withdrawn from the university. *


The essay (minimum 300 words) should demonstrate writing competence. To be sure you have the minimum word requirement, you may use a word processor such as Microsoft Word, using double-spaced and 12-point font. Copy and paste the essay into the essay section of this application below.
**Note: Clicking “Submit” will redirect you to a submission page. If you are not redirected, please make sure you have answered all required fields.